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Support Vicki Davis for NY121

Vicki will bring your concerns to Albany and work with all sides to create and preserve the best life for us, our children, and our grandchildren here in Central New York.

Follow Vicki on Facebook and Instagram

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2 months ago

Happy New Year Dear Friends! Wishing you all the best for 2025. See MoreSee Less

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Happy, healthy New Year to you Vicki.

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2025 🥰🎉

Happy New Year!! 😊

3 months ago

Thank you all for the participation and the support. We've made a lot of new friends and so many plans for the future. I deeply appreciate all your time and interest! Thanks! See MoreSee Less

5 CommentsComment on Facebook

Let’s keep working

Thank you so much Vicki. Will continue supporting you in the future

Next run!!! Steadfast in your camp!!! Thank you for taking the fight up for/with us, Vicki!!!

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3 months ago

Good luck to my neighboring New York State Assembly candidates Janet Tweed for NYS Assembly 102 and Adrienne Martini for District 12! Yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting up with Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado who gave us his support.

Make sure to get out and VOTE if you haven’t yet! Polls are open 6am-9pm.

Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and polling location: publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRoster

#VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 Delaware County NY Democrats Chenango County Democrats Otsego County Young Democrats Otsego County Democrats Broome County Democratic Party Madison County NY Democratic Committee Hamilton Democratic Committee
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Good luck to my neighboring New York State Assembly candidates Janet Tweed for NYS Assembly 102 and Adrienne Martini for District 12! Yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting up with Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado who gave us his support. Make sure to get out and VOTE if you haven’t yet! Polls are open 6am-9pm.Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and polling location: https://publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRoster#VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 Delaware County NY Democrats Chenango County Democrats Otsego County Young Democrats Otsego County Democrats Broome County Democratic Party Madison County NY Democratic Committee Hamilton Democratic Committee
3 months ago

TODAY IS THE DAY! We are NOT going back – vote Kamala/Walz! Vote for VICKI DAVIS for Assembly District 121! Turn over your ballot to vote YES ON PROP 1!

Make sure to get out and VOTE if you haven’t yet! Polls are open 6am-9pm.

Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and polling location: publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRoster

#VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 @dcnydems Chenango County Democrats @otsegocountyyoungdemocrats @otsegocountydemocrats Broome County Democratic Party Madison County NY Democratic Committee
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TODAY IS THE DAY! We are NOT going back – vote Kamala/Walz! Vote for VICKI DAVIS for Assembly District 121! Turn over your ballot to vote YES ON PROP 1! Make sure to get out and VOTE if you haven’t yet! Polls are open 6am-9pm.Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and polling location: https://publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRoster#VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 @dcnydems Chenango County Democrats  @otsegocountyyoungdemocrats  @otsegocountydemocrats  Broome County Democratic Party Madison County NY Democratic CommitteeImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
4 months ago

For the long-term success of our elections, it is critical that we share our appreciation and support our neighbors in continuing to power our elections nationwide. Thank you to the state and territorial officials, local election officials, elections staff, poll workers, and everyone who keeps our democracy running!

Don’t forget – tomorrow is the big day – Election Day! Vote for Vicki Davis for NY Assembly District 121!

#ThankYouElectionHeroes #VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 Delaware County NY Democrats Chenango County Democrats Otsego County Young Democrats Otsego County Democrats Broome County Democratic Party Madison County NY Democratic Committee Hamilton Democratic Committee
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For the long-term success of our elections, it is critical that we share our appreciation and support our neighbors in continuing to power our elections nationwide. Thank you to the state and territorial officials, local election officials, elections staff, poll workers, and everyone who keeps our democracy running! Don’t forget – tomorrow is the big day – Election Day! Vote for Vicki Davis for NY Assembly District 121! #ThankYouElectionHeroes #VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 Delaware County NY Democrats Chenango County Democrats Otsego County Young Democrats Otsego County Democrats Broome County Democratic Party Madison County NY Democratic Committee Hamilton Democratic CommitteeImage attachment
4 months ago

It was great meeting with lots of candidates, elected officials, and Democrats at the Broome County Democratic Party’s recent rally. Governor Kathy Hochul was inspiring – let’s get out the vote!!

Early voting ends TODAY, Sunday, November 3rd, and the General Election is Tuesday, November 5th. Don’t forget to get those mail in and absentee ballots filled out and sent in!

Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and early voting hours: publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRoster

Vote for Vicki Davis for NY Assembly District 121!

#VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 @leawebbforny Endicott Unity: The Pasquale-Jones & Tran Campaign Donna Lupardo Chris Moore
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It was great meeting with lots of candidates, elected officials, and Democrats at the Broome County Democratic Party’s recent rally. Governor Kathy Hochul was inspiring - let’s get out the vote!!Early voting ends TODAY, Sunday, November 3rd, and the General Election is Tuesday, November 5th. Don’t forget to get those mail in and absentee ballots filled out and sent in! Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and early voting hours: https://publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRosterVote for Vicki Davis for NY Assembly District 121! #VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121 @leawebbforny Endicott Unity: The Pasquale-Jones & Tran Campaign Donna Lupardo Chris MooreImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment
4 months ago

It’s the last weekend before the General Election! Anxious? Not sure what to do? Go vote!

Early voting ends Sunday, November 3rd, and the General Election is Tuesday, November 5th. Don’t forget to get those mail in and absentee ballots filled out and sent in!

Want to do more? Contact your county’s Democratic committee to help get out the vote:
Broome County Democratic Party
Chenango County Democrats
Delaware County NY Democrats
Madison County NY Democratic Committee
Otsego County Democrats

Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and early voting hours: publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRoster

Vote for Vicki Davis for NY Assembly District 121!

#VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121
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It’s the last weekend before the General Election! Anxious? Not sure what to do? Go vote! Early voting ends Sunday, November 3rd, and the General Election is Tuesday, November 5th. Don’t forget to get those mail in and absentee ballots filled out and sent in! Want to do more? Contact your county’s Democratic committee to help get out the vote:Broome County Democratic Party  Chenango County Democrats Delaware County NY Democrats Madison County NY Democratic Committee Otsego County Democrats Find your local County Board of Elections and take a look at your sample ballot and early voting hours: https://publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/CountyBoardRoster/CountyBoardRosterVote for Vicki Davis for NY Assembly District 121! #VoteYesProp1 #VickiDavis121

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Go vote early!! Vote Vicki Davis 121

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